Tuesday, October 11, 2011

About to Give Up

I have a goal and I'm ready to give up. I'm discouraged and don't want to do it anymore. It just doesn't seem worth it. Any words of encouragement?

You haven't failed. As long as you're still working towards something, your failure or success isn't finalized. Even if you're not seeing results or it's getting more and more difficult, you are moving towards success as long as you're still moving.

This is your defining moment! When you are this close (I'm holding my index finger and thumb together to indicate the closeness) to giving up, but don't, and push on and find the strength to overcome temptation, you'll realize the power you have.

The old you may have given up without a second thought, but that's the you that existed before you began this journey. That version of you is gone. You're stronger now. You've learned more. You can find the confidence to do this.

Take note of what you have already achieved. Celebrate your accomplishments and know that more are to come, but not if you give up. You HAVE to keep going. You owe it to yourself. Think of all the hard work and sacrifice you've been through. Think of your most difficult time and ask yourself how you would feel if at that time you knew a future version of yourself would be giving up. And think of a future version of yourself either enjoying the fruits of your labor or regretting not pushing a little harder in a moment of weakness.

Give it some more time. Find someone to help you. Try a different approach. Just don't give up. Not today.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Chelsea! I'm glad this post reached you at such an appropriate time. You chose not to give up, right?
