Purpose - To be happy in life, you have to feel like your life means something. This sense of purpose could manifest itself in a number of ways. Your role in your family, profession, church service, etc... Define your purpose and take pride in fulfilling it well.
Gratitude - Gratitude for what you have brings happiness. Yearning for things you don't have brings sadness. Working towards a better standard of living is good, but not if you never appreciate it when you get it. For every desire you are working for, have ten things you already have and are grateful for to back it up.
Optimism - Believe in and hope for a brighter future. See the opportunity in misfortune. Trust that one way or another everything will work out. An optimistic attitude will do away with feelings of despair and hopelessness.
Friendship - It's important to have someone close to you who will celebrate your success and lift you up when you're feeling down. Friends and family make life worth living. Strive to develop meaningful friendships and relationships with family.
Faith - People can be quick to point out all the evil done in the name or religion, but slow to recognize all the good done through true religion. Believe in something bigger than yourself. Pray. Strive to live the teachings and morals of your faith.
Integrity - Be honest to others and yourself. Do what you say you'll do. Be the best person you can be, even when no one else is looking. Who wants to spend their time with someone who is dishonest, two-faced, and fake? Without integrity, YOU will be that person, and you'll have to spend a lot of time with yourself.
Service - The beautiful thing about service is that it takes the focus off of your own trials and difficulties. When you're the most beaten down, depressed, and lost, find an opportunity to serve someone else. It will allow you to distance yourself from your problems momentarily and return to face them with new confidence in your ability to affect change in your world.
Anyone can use these 7 keys. Start working on them today. They don't cost anything.
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