Friday, September 9, 2011

Learn Something New

For this week's Ten Minute Fix, learn something!

First, try to remember that thing you were wondering about earlier today or earlier this week. Then take ten minutes to learn about it. The internet is so amazing! Believe it or not, I'm old enough to remember the world before the internet. There were these things called encyclopedias where you could learn a little bit about a couple of things. There were these things called libraries where you could find out a few more things, but only if you were brave enough to face the dreaded card catalog. There were these things called tabloids that you had to read in line at the supermarket to get your celebrity gossip. Now with the internet you can find out pretty much anything in a matter of minutes!

If you don't have anything you're dying to know, you can check out the featured articles on Wikipedia. You could also take a look at some sample questions to open up your inquisitive side.
What's the oldest nation? 
Should you use "a" or "an" in the following? "I must be leaving. I'm terribly late for a(n) NRA meeting." (I have my opinion, but I'll keep it to myself. I try to steer clear of controversial topics.)
Do they still wear powdered wigs in British Parliament? If so, ....why? 
What percentage of people can touch their nose with their tongue? 
Which is the healthier meat? chicken, beef, ostrich, or bison 
If you stacked all the free CD's that AOL gave out in the 90's, would they reach the moon?
If you're anything like me, these questions inspired you to see how much it would cost to buy a powdered wig and some powder to go along with it. Turns out this question takes longer than ten minutes to figure out.

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